Back-to-Basics: A Resolution for Leaders

Scrabble tiles that spell back to basics leadership.

Problems, at scale. Since early 2020, leaders and teams have been in a state of turmoil and near-constant change. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in a need to “triage” more than usual. Goal-setting moves out another quarter. Hiring freezes lead to mandatory overtime just to keep the lights on and doors open. Foundational routines, like weekly…

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Squelching the Urge to Say, “I told you so.”

Stop sign on street at sunset or sunrise, meant to represent taking a pause and not say I told you so.

There will come a day when you were right all along. Your warnings went unheeded. Your insights blatantly ignored. But then, your experience finally pays off. A smug smile unfolds and you relish the opportunity to open your mouth and gloat, “I told you so.” You’ve earned it. And it feels good.   “The four…

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You Might Be Accidentally Ignoring Problems (and How to Fix It)

Neon lights on brick wall that read "You are what you listen to." This article is about accidentally ignoring problems by not listening.

“When one person tells me a harsh truth, I can be sure she’s speaking for others who aren’t as bold. It makes me pay better attention, and then I realize others have been saying the same thing all along, just more softly. I haven’t heard it because I haven’t really been listening.” -Melinda French Gates,…

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Seven Ways to Improve Performance


People often ask me, “What are the Seven Ways?” and “Why did you choose them as your business name?” The assumption being that Seven Ways is referencing a prescribed formula, as in, “Here are the seven ways I will help you” or “Let me show you the seven ways to improve.” I can see that.…

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Fear of looking stupid is holding you back


I love driving. A few years ago I decided I wanted to learn how to drive properly. Like, in a sporty way. You know, learn how to accelerate properly, take corners, and push my car to her limits. So fast! So furious! The point is, I wanted to make good use of my vehicle and…

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